Professional Risk Underwriting Pty Ltd
ABN: 80 103 953 073
ACN: 103 953 073
AFSL Number or NZ IRD Number: 308076
Melbourne: Level 2, 115 Bridge Road, Richmond, VIC, 3121
Sydney: Level 3, 14 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW, 2000
Brisbane: Suite 3, Level 20, 307 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD, 4000
Postal Address: PO Box 542, East Melbourne Vic 8002
Professional Risk Underwriting Pty Ltd, or ‘ProRisk’ for short, is a multi-line underwriting agency focused on the needs of SME and mid-market clients with over 20 products all backed by Australian Regulated Insurers including Swiss Re International SE, HDI Specialty SE and Lloyd’s.
In 2020 ProRisk launched the ProBind online broker trading platform. This enables broking partners to quote, bind and renew policies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Special Products include: professional indemnity, allied health (Healthcare Professionals), public and products liability, management liability, association liability, directors and officers liability, commercial motor fleet, cyber and privacy liability, property, Bizpack and specialty insurance products.
ProRisk manage all claims in house and employs experienced and legally qualified claims professionals to fulfill their motto ‘Protection is our Promise’.
Click here to contact one of ProRisk's underwriters: