An important alert from Gerry Power at Emergence.

As part of our commitment to the insurance industry, I want to alert you to a wave of ransomware that is impacting Australia at present.

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) is aware of an ongoing ransomware campaign utilising the Avaddon Ransomware malware. This campaign is actively targeting Australian organisations in a variety of sectors.

To protect against such attacks businesses should patch operating systems, backup data, keep anti-virus up to date, scan emails and attachments to detect and block malware, and implement employee training to identify phishing attacks.

ACSC provides plenty of material and tips on how to protect and defend against cyber attacks.

Also, having an effective Business Continuity Plan which includes cyber insurance will assist in getting the business back up and running as soon as possible.

The link below provides you with additional information.

If you are reluctant to click on the link (for obvious reasons) visit the Australian Cyber Security Centre website and search for the word “Avaddon”.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me on 0438 708 776.

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