Pen Underwriting
GPO Box 4431 Sydney NSW 2001
Pen Underwriting has been around for over 10 years. Our team of talented underwriters collectively have over 1,000 years of underwriting experience and we use this IP every day by assisting our broker partners develop solutions for their customers. We aim to deliver outstanding service in every interaction. From our offices in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne we specialise in providing solutions for complex risks across a diversified range of products & industries:
- Property (ISR) – manufacturing, food & beverage, wholesale & retail trade, logistics, hospitality & accommodation, transport & storage
- Liability – manufacturing, wholesale & retail trade, food & beverage, logistics, hospitality & accommodation, general construction, construction trades, mining & energy risks
- Combined Liability (Liability, PI/Malpractice and Management Liability) tailored for the Aged & Disability Care Industry
- Construction – Material Damage single & annual policies, stand-alone Liability, or packaged MD & Liability
- Professional Indemnity XS – specialising in the Construction space
- Motor – heavy, commercial, fleet.
Our skilled underwriters are committed to providing great service and finding solutions for challenging risks. We can provide lead terms, excess layer or follow lines across our product ranges and therefore are able to support the international and local Broking markets in the SME to Corporate space.
Sydney 02 9323 5000
Melbourne 03 9810 0600
Brisbane 07 3056 1400