Introducing your sub-committee members As I mentioned last month, the sub-committees have begun to meet and are working on some ideas and plans. There have been a lot of ideas and suggestions generated already. We have now included all our sub-committee members on the UAC website. You can view the members and read about their experience here. You will read in Kurt’s summary of our fourth strategic pillar, our sub-committees are an essential part of the development of UAC. With plenty of passion and ideas, our sub-committee members believe that understanding what the broader membership wants, and expects, is essential. They may call on your for your views and ideas to ensure we are shaping a future that is viable for everyone. Voting Membership Hamish McDonald Nye ProRisk VM Chris Quick Steadfast Underwriting Agencies VM Jarrod Bell Sportscover Australia VM Dean Malakiy DriverCare BSM Drew Schnegage Innovation Group BSM Madison Seymour Johns Lyng Group BSM Business Service Membership Ken Keenan Pen Underwriting VM Tesh Patel Delta Insurance VM Tetiana George Curium BSM John White Gallagher Bassett Services BSM Richard Thomas Proclaim Management Services BSM Jesse Borthwick Insurance Investment Solutions VM Richard Hardy Argenta Underwriting Australia VM Expo Evolution Gabrielle McDonald Protecsure VM Natasha Gale ARAG VM Matthew Porteous The Barn Underwriting Agency VM Troy Filipcevic Emergence Insurance VM Paul Bloxsome Sedgwick BSM Trang Ha Descartes Underwriting Australia BSM Sheri Andrews BAIS Insurance Technology BSM