Sedgwick is pleased to confirm we have been granted an Australian Financial Services Licence, allowing our Third Party Administration division to continue to provide claims handling and settling services to the local market._x000D_ _x000D_ The licenced entity is: Sedgwick Australia Pty Ltd ABN 49 003 437 161 AFSL 530898_x000D_ _x000D_ Additionally, we can also confirm that we’ve been approved by Lloyd’s as a Delegated Claims Administrator and are authorised to assist Lloyd’s Managing Agents with their claims portfolios._x000D_ _x000D_ As one of the first local organisations to be granted both authorities, we look forward to working with our clients, both existing and new, to ensure that the evolving compliance obligations of the industry continue to be met in conjunction with our caring counts philosophy._x000D_ _x000D_ Should you have any questions relating to our AFSL or would like more information around how we can help manage your claims portfolio, please contact:_x000D_ _x000D_ Paul Bloxsome_x000D_ paul.bloxsome@au.sedgwick.com_x000D_ 0430 273 200