NM Insurance Australia
NM Insurance is a leading insurance agency operating across Australia and New Zealand. It offers, through several brands and corporate partners, insurance for leisure products, and industries that supply those products. For more information about NM Insurance's services, please visit its brand pages via the links below. Nautilus Marine Insurance Nautilus Marine was established in 2005 as a marine specialist. The company is respected by the industry for its outstanding achievements, high standards of expertise, and the strength of security provided to policyholders. Nautilus offers cover for pleasure craft and commercial charter vessels and property & casualty lines for the boating industry, including but not limited to marinas, repairers, retailers and marine service providers. Phone: 1300 780 533 Email: customerservice@nautilusinsurance.com.au Web: www.nautilusinsurance.com.au Proteus Marine Insurance Proteus Marine provides leading marine products and services to the Australian market. Its commercial focus is on cargo, hull, carriers and marine liability exposures and risk solutions. Phone: 1300 767 231 Email: info@proteusinsurance.com.au Web: www.proteusinsurance.com.au National Motorcycle Insurance National Motorcycle provides a comprehensive range of motorcycle products designed to specifically tailor insurance needs to cover clients and their on and off-road motorcycles. Phone: 1300 960 437 Email: customerservice@nationalmotorcycleinsurance.com.au Web: www.nationalmotorcycleinsurance.com.au Australian Caravan Insurance Australian Caravan provides a comprehensive range of insurance products for registered and on-site caravans across Australia. Phone: 1300 748 767 Email: customerservice@austcaravaninsurance.com.au Web: www.australiancaravaninsurance.com.au NM Insurance New Zealand NM Insurance New Zealand was established in 2010 and offers a range of insurance products for marine pleasurecraft, commercial marine lines and motorcycles. Phone: +64 0800 664 678 Email: info@nminsurance.co.nz Web: www.nautilusinsurance.co.nz