Product Recall / Guarantee Products

WEBINAR Audience: Underwriting Agencies, Business Service Members & Brokers Time: AEST (NSW) The standard triggers, covered losses and additional coverages available for the various products. Some of the differences in the coverages available. Comparison between cover available under a Recall extension to a Public and Products Liability policy versus purchasing a comprehensive Product Recall / […]

Regulatory update

Audience: Underwriting Agencies, Business Service Members, Brokers Regulatory update – in this ‘double-headed’ session, we will look at what to do if ASIC comes knocking, and also at licensee obligations under the reportable situation regime. Presentation: In this session, Hall & Wilcox partners Philip Hopley and Jacob Uljans will provide a summary reminder of the […]

Complex & Emerging Risks 

WEBINAR                                  Audience: Underwriting Agencies; Business Service Members & Brokers                   Time: AEST (NSW) While the bedrock of traditional underwriting has served the industry for decades, today’s evolving threats – from cyber attacks to climate anomalies – demand […]

Section 40(3) of the ICA: Bulk notifications of a “problem”

WEBINAR                                  Audience: Underwriting Agencies; Business Service Members & Brokers                   Time: AEST (NSW) Key principles on the operation of s40(3) of the ICA. The notification of the “wide problem” of non-compliant cladding […]

Property risk surveys and more – focus on lithium battery risks

WEBINAR                                  Audience: Underwriting Agencies                   Time: AEST (NSW) National Surveys & Risk Assessments value add services The benefits of conducting a Risk Survey Review of Lithium-ion batteries including recent incidents/fires. Presenter: Gary Hollins CIP Points: 2 (two) […]

The New Underbelly: Who are the attackers behind cybercrime in Australia and globally, and how to protect against them

Webinar                Audience: Underwriting Agencies, Business Service Members and Brokers.         Time: TBC AEDT (NSW) Coalition Australia will explore the evolution of cyber attacks against Australian and global companies and reveal who’s behind them. They will also discuss how the changing behaviors of cyber criminals require different […]

Unfair Contract terms primary – in both the insurance/financial services context and the general commercial context

Audience: Underwriting Agencies, Business Service Members, Brokers Presenter: Philip Hopley and Kurt Wicklund Presentation: This session will focus on the application of the unfair contract terms regime to insurance contracts and general commercial contracts. With contraventions of the unfair contract terms prohibitions now subject to penalties, organisations at all levels are closely considering the terms […]

Workplace law developments – working in a modern workplace following government workplace reforms

Audience: Underwriting Agencies, Business Service Members, Brokers Presenter: Clare Kerley Presentation: In this session, Hall & Wilcox Special Counsel Clare Kerley, will focus on how business need to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of workplace law in the wake of government reforms. As we strive to adapt to the dynamics of a modern workplace, it’s crucial […]

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