Miramar Underwriting Agency Pty Ltd
PO Box A2016, Sydney South NSW 1235
Miramar offers access to domestic and overseas capacity for property, casualty, business package and engineering risks.
Risk appetite
Property: property@miramaruw.com.au
- Industrial Special Risk (ISR)
- Miramar Asset Protection - ISR section 1 & 2, liability, management liability
- Business package
- Mainstream risks, property owners, wholesaling, importing, warehousing, manufacturing, engineering
- EPS-built risks
- Regional Hotels & Motels via Pint Underwriting
Liability: liability@miramaruw.com.au
- $20m capacity
- Mainstream risks, manufacturing, wholesale trade, construction trades among many others
- Liability and ASL for Childcare and Community based organisations
Broker schemes:
- Underwriting expertise in broker schemes for property and liability risks
Engineering: engineering@miramaruw.com.au
- Stand-alone engineering cover for machinery, electronic, computer breakdown and business interruption
- Types of engineering risks preferred depends on the operation and maintenance of plant & equipment rather than specific industry classes
The information contained on this website is intended for insurance intermediaries only. Miramar Underwriting Agency Pty Ltd (ABN 97 111 534 797, AFSL 314176) (‘Miramar’) (also t/as Pint Underwriting) acts under a binding authority as agent for the insurers of the products: certain underwriters at Lloyd’s and Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ABN 13 000 296 640, AFSL 232507). Please review the particular product which sets out the insurer(s).
John Goodman
Northern Region Manager, NSW & QLD
02 9307 6622
0421 218 919
Nicole Byrne
Southern Region Manager, VIC, TAS, SA & WA
03 9906 3744
0488 075 774
Dominic Ivory
Liability Product Manager
02 9307 6635
0459 459 695
Joel Edwards
Engineering Product Manager
02 9307 6694
0434 325 893
Rob Leahey
Senior Property Underwriter - Northern Region
02 9307 6643
0419 744 869
Bruce Gibbs
Senior Liability Underwriter - Northern Region
02 9307 6609
0431 898 012
Greg McGann
Senior Liability Underwriter - Southern Region
03 9906 3909
Paul Baxter
Underwriting Manager – Pint Underwriting
03 9906 3712
0402 162 058
James Fitzpatrick
Head of Miramar
03 9906 3709
0409 151 278