Headquarters: Level 26, Pwc Tower 15 Customs Street West, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
InsuredHQ is a mission-critical, cloud-based application that provides complete end-to-end policy, claims, accounts, and document management systems for mid-market insurers, MGA’s (Managing General Agent), and Brokers.
InsuredHQ software work best in the General Insurance realm, and, with our customer-centric approach, we already cover all the must-have features and the majority of the nice-to-haves. We do this by prioritizing regular client feedback, prioritizing practical necessities for their business, and keeping a publicly available product roadmap with our focus on enabling all of our customers to be more efficient with their business and growth.
Simplifying processes for both the customer and internal teams are critical problems we love to solve. This simplification depends on having a modern and unified back-end platform (IHQ-Core) to act as a comprehensive system of record. It replaces manual processes with critical and time-saving process automations.
However, in today’s customer-centric insurance marketplace, Insurers also need to focus on optimizing the front-end of their business by creating seamless and compelling customer experiences. This is where our customers leverage the IHQ-API, building customer-centric products and helping their channels serve that customer.
InsuredHQ knows core administration. IHQ-Core combined with IHQ-API allows insurers to become digital-first while enabling them to focus on remaining customer-first.
What can I use IHQ-APIs for?
Contact us today for additional information or schedule a demo to show how you can leverage our core engine and API to meet the specific needs of your insurance programme.
Contact: Jon Davies