Longitude Insurance Pty Ltd

Longitude Insurance
ABN: 86 152 337 267
ACN: 152 337 267
AFSL Number or NZ IRD Number: 244 584
Level 14, 141 Walker Street, North Sydney 2060
Postal Address:

Locked Bag 1813, North Sydney NSW 2059


Longitude is single minded – it only deals in strata insurance. That dedicated approach translates to better policy coverage and reduced exposure for the insured.

Its underwriting capability and strong strata knowledge ensures a seamless, smooth working relationship with supporting brokers. Longitude, with the backing of Chubb Insurance, is uniquely positioned to provide brokers with market-leading, specialist strata cover that protects the body corporate.

New Business Quotes: strataquotes@longitudeinsurance.com.au
Renewals: renewals@longitude.com.au

Longitude Insurance Pty Ltd (ABN 86 152 337 267, AR 424867) acts as authorised representative (AR No. 424867) of Austagencies Pty Ltd (ABN 76 006 090 464, AFSL 244584). Austagencies has binding authority from Chubb Insurance Australia Ltd (ABN 23 001 642 020, AFSL 239687).

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