Ivory Insurance

As an APRA-regulated insurer, we specialise in Professional Indemnity and General Liability products within the SME market. We create robust insurance capacity solutions for our intermediary partners and focus on making professional indemnity and general liability cover accessible and affordable for SME clients. Understanding the challenges of finding reliable, sustainable, local insurance capacity, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional service.

We are proud to be Australian owned, providing a local presence that ensures we understand and meet the unique needs of Australian businesses. Our commitment to excellence is underscored by our partnerships, including with an award-winning law firm that helps us implement an innovative claims model, enhancing efficiency and reducing legal costs. Our seamless and transparent claims process ensures that our underwriting partners’ clients receive the assistance they require during challenging times, safeguarding professionals’ reputations from unmeritorious claims.

For our partners, we offer an opportunity to build their portfolios with the security of underwriting expertise underpinned by robust administration and superior claims service, ensuring they can confidently expand their business while providing exceptional value to their clients.

Shaun Oliver
Chief Underwriting Officer
M +61 422 472 277
E shaun.oliver@ivoryinsurance.com.au
Level 6, 307 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

    • Business and Consulting, Claims handling, General Insurance, General Liability, IT Liability, Professional Indemnity
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