Underwriting Agencies Council Ltd
Welcome to the Underwriting Agencies Council (UAC), the representative organisation for Australian underwriting agencies. UAC’s purpose is to serve the interests of Australian underwriting agencies.
Website: https://www.hdi-specialty.com/int/en/offices-locations/Australia
ABN: 58 129 395 544 Address: Level 19, 20 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 Postal address: As above
HDI Global Specialty SE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HDI Global SE and part of the Talanx Group, both strong and established players in the international insurance market. HDI Global Specialty SE brings together cross-business segment expertise and network reach writing agency and specialty insurance business. Specialist local teams are highly qualified to give quick responses and informed support to client’s local operations, specifically to their unusual or complex insurance needs.
In Australia, HDI Global Specialty has a dedicated team of underwriting specialists committed to providing bespoke solutions within the underwriting agency market. HDI Global Specialty strives to develop long-term, sustainable relationships with its business partners. HDI Global Specialty is regulated in Australia by APRA and is also licenced by the RBNZ in New Zealand.
Stefan Feldmann Head of HDI Global Asia Pacific, Managing Director HDI Global SE Australia and HDI Global Specialty SE – Australia & New Zealand stefan.feldmann@hdi.global T: 02 8274 4200
Peter Gezimati Head of Delegated Authority Peter.Gezimati@hdi.global T: 02 9423 3321 M: 0431 527 757