UAC member underwriting agencies are responsible for more than $7.5B of premiums spent by Australian businesses and consumers annually. Underwriting agencies are appointed by insurers to issue policies and often pay claims on their behalf.
UAC members are specialists in the risk and insurance needs of their insured clients. UAC members predominantly transact through insurance brokers. All Australian members either hold or operate under appropriate licences issued by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission under the Financial Services Reform Act.
UAC is committed to the security and advancement of its members and provides a forum and a voice for underwriting agencies.
UAC is the peak body for Australian underwriting agencies. It serves its members’ interests by providing professional development and educational events; regular market exchanges to showcase members’ specialist products to brokers; marketing campaigns to promote the agency sector; and representation to government and industry bodies.
Interested in joining UAC? Download a membership application form, complete the details and return the form to the address supplied.
Business Service membership
Business Service membership may be available to appropriate companies and individuals who provide services or products of value to full members. Business Service membership does not carry voting rights.
Affiliate membership
Affiliate membership may be available to any international association similar in concept or ideals to UAC. It may service or cater to the needs of underwriting agencies, managing general agents or Lloyd’s coverholders in their own country. Affiliate membership does not carry voting rights.