Underwriting Agencies Council Ltd
Welcome to the Underwriting Agencies Council (UAC), the representative organisation for Australian underwriting agencies. UAC’s purpose is to serve the interests of Australian underwriting agencies.
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Mental illness is one of the biggest issues facing society today. One in every two Australians will experience mental illness within their lifetime, and the World Health Organisation predicts that by 2030 mental illness will have overtaken all other illnesses combined.
Damien Coates first experienced Depression in 1999 and over the last 25 years he has learnt how to manage his mental health. In recent years he has become a Mental Health Ambassador, fundraising over $1million for Black Dog Institute, and speaking to more than 10,000 people.
Damien is passionate about raising awareness of mental illness, breaking down stigmas, and sharing the clinically proven approach he uses in his own life to support positive mental health. During this session, Damien will share information on the mental health crisis facing society, his own personal mental health journey, and the tools, techniques and support available for people to manage their own mental health.